Intellectualising the penalty

Posted by rich, 17 May 2010

We can expect much more of this sort of thing over the next few weeks:

As the World Cup approaches, so does the recurring English nightmare of penalty shoot-outs. Fabio and the boys might do well to read a fantastic new study of penalty-taking carried out by some cognitive psychologists. The underlying aim of the study is work out whether or not the participants in a penalty  - penalty-taker and goalkeeper - behave rationally. The conclusion was - well, yes and no.

I'll do my best to keep track of all such studies and articles as they arise.

In the meantime, two predictions: 1) will produce some form of compendium of such posts on the economics / intellectualising of the penalty; and 2) none of it will help when England go crashing out of the tournament amidst high and unrealistic expectations.

Filed in General Interest, Sport and tagged , england, , penalties, , worldcup2010

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