Rich W at 30

Posted by rich, 5 Jun 2010

I am 30 today. To acknowledge and celebrate this milestone, I thought it would be interesting to reflect on some of the things I've achieved so far, which I've therefore listed below.

If I think of anything else, I may well add to this list. But I reckon that's pretty good going for 30. It's not like Charles Dickens had written Oliver Twist by the time he was 27 or anything.

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not to mention your famous spell as a newspaper editor..

You are also ace unofficial guide to Paris and co-creator of the worlds cutest Oscar

You also had (and probably still have) the ability to wear the most outrageous shirt to an interview and still get the job.

Happy birthday, Rich! Many happy returns (and much televisual delight)

PS - we haven't had the conversation about OK Computer vs The Bends. I have strong feelings in the other direction...

Thanks all for your comments - much appreciated.