The latest:
links for 2010-12-16
Sphereless: Tis the Season To Be Open (tags: opendata) The government is simply bullying disabled people Truly brilliant post from @lucytweeting about the government's approach to cuts and their impact on disabled people. Please read this. (tags: disability equality cuts reform coalition) If you thought the students were trouble, wait for the disability movement Yes and no. (tags: disability equality cuts reform) End of the Independent Living Fund is the start of a new...
links for 2010-12-15
There’s data, and there’s data - honestlyreal A thoughtful post, as ever, from @paulclarke. (tags: opendata blogs paulclarke) If charities are to deliver public services then they will need to release data « Open Local Data Blog Great post from @citizensheep. Lots of thoughts on this, so will blog separately on it. (tags: opendata vcs gov2.0 web2.0 vcs2.0) Public Expenditure Report - Health Committee (tags: health socialcare healthwhitepaper personalisation work toread selectcommittee research report)...
links for 2010-12-14
Natasha4Labour: Take out the weak Great post from Natasha4Labour. (tags: disability cuts benefits coalition equality DLAreform) Independent Living Fund to be shut down by 2015 Even the BBC picks up the ILF story. Richard Hawkes from Scope has it just right: "It's hard to see how phasing out this fund will do anything but narrow down options and push people towards greater dependence on the state." (tags: ilf cuts equality disability socialcare) Independent Living...
ILF announcement couldn't be timed any worse
(Note: This is a personal post) As an aside to today's announcement that the ILF is to be closed from 2015 onwards, it's worth pointing out the timing couldn't be any worse, because today is the day that the Right to Control is launched in Trailblazers across the country. (It's also the day on which the government has announced that those organisations which will most likely become responsible for ILF users post-2015 - local Councils...
Independent Living Fund (ILF) to close (updated)
A Written Ministerial Statement is being published today. It states that the Independent Living Fund (ILF) will be closed in 2015 (link to follow once it's on the Parliament website). This has been coming (and it appears the Sundar Mirror yesterday was right). I blogged back in June that the ILF was essentially closed for business. But that doesn't make today less of a shock. Others will highlight what a disaster this will be for...
links for 2010-12-13
Access 8878 "ACCESS 8878 is a resource that supports the new British Standard BS 8878. BS 8878 Web Accessibility Code of Practice supports developers in producing web products that are accessible to a range of users. On this site you will find a review of the standard, plus some extra information that we hope you'll find useful." (tags: accessibility webdesign web2.0 law) Disabled to be hit by cuts to Independent Living Fund The Mirror...
YouTune no.29: Brett Domino special
I'll put a warning on this one straight away: if you haven't heard or seen Brett Domino yet, and you have a slightly off sense of humour (like I do), then I recommend you come back when you have a couple of hours spare. Once you've seen the videos below, you'll want to get some more. Quite aside from the brilliance of the idea, the ability to execute these medleys in the way they are,...
links for 2010-12-12
No decision about me without me (tags: socialcare healthwhitepaper andrewlansley) Scorecard: Implementing tech manifesto election promises | Great stuff from @problybored. (tags: politics gov2.0 transparency accountability coalition) With transparency comes accountability: the coalition scorecard Great post from Richard Parsons, who has created a brilliant tool in the coalition scorecard. (tags: futuregov transparency accountability coalition politics government gov2.0) Ofsted head Christine Gilbert in talks to leave early and join academy sponsor (tags: hapsford)...
Life Opportunities Survey
The Office for Disability Issues last week published the fascinating Life Opportunities Survey. The purpose of the survey is to compare how disabled and non-disabled people participate in a number of areas, including work, education, transport and use of public services. There is a huge amount of incredibly valuable information in this survey across a very wide range of areas. I don't think I could do it justice without a week in a quiet room...
links for 2010-12-11
Final report of NCVO's Funding Commission (pdf file) (tags: toread funding voluntarysector ncvo money futures thinktanks) OPM Blog: Will the Big Society lead to more inequality? Seminar report Nice write-up from an OPM seminar on the Big Society. Great blog as well, by the way. (tags: bigsociety equality opm thinktanks) NHS Evidence - Commissioning - Social care and hospital use at the end of life "This briefing summarises a Nuffield Trust report to investigate...
The case for DLA reform is shaky
Beyond misuse of statistics, sloppy presentation of data and lack of evidence, there are further points to be queried. In a well-argued post on Benefit Scrounging Scum, Rhydian Fôn James has highlighted several major issues with the government's methodology in making the case for DLA reform. It's a great read, and required for anyone who believes in evidence-based policy and disability equality. (For anyone interested in the issues with the case the government has constructed...
Redstributing my rebate: hello to CiFers
As part of the Comment is Free's People's Panel, I've made a small contribution to their feature today on giving to charity. Anyone visiting there from there: hello! The first full post with details of the tax rebate and my plan is here. The follow-up of suggestions so far is here. On Monday I'll post the shortlist of 5 organisations and details of how to vote. Feel free to say hi in the comments, or...