Daily routines
I think this has been linked to a fair bit elsewhere, but the Daily Routines blog is pretty interesting. See for example:
He's a fast eater - always ready to get back to work.
Essentially I think of myself as a stylist, and stylists can become notoriously obsessed with the placing of a comma, the weight of a semicolon. Obsessions of this sort, and the time I take over them, irritate me beyond endurance.
A mathematician [is] a machine for turning coffee into theorems.
I am plagued like Job, though not so God-fearing.
I've been in my current job for just over a year and have settled into a reasonable morning routine: up at 6am, leave between 6:45 and 7am to be in work for around 8am. But that's about the extent of the routine — the evenings vary a lot. I'm not actually a morning person (I hate them) and can't wait until I can stay up late just doing stuff again.
As of July, I've been assigning evenings for regular activities: Monday (work), Tuesday (work, staying over), Wednesday (projects), Thursday (night with partner), Friday (night out). Weekends obviously depend on what we're doing, but normally involve lie-ins and reading, plus a bit of writing and blogging.
Filed in General Interest, Personal, Work